As a developer, many time I wished to redirect user to a new URL into a new browser window. I wanted to use response.redirect at server side and open the new web page into a new window. But the way redirection works makes it impossible to open a new window from server side. The common solution to this problem is to use java script's statement at client side and then fetch the new URL into the new window. To me, this is totally unacceptable while I am writing server side code. So I decided to write some code to do this. But before writing, I googled for the same. I found a good solution for the problem. I would like to give proper credit to the author, who chose not to publish his/her name. As they say a code worth one thousand words, here is the code: ResponseHelper Class: The ResponseHelper class does all the magic. It adds a client side script to the response which opens the new window. Use this class in place of response class if you want to open new window. Yo...