
Showing posts from December, 2007

Effective Use of Visual Studio 2005 - Keyboard Shortcuts

As a hardcore developer I found that typing is easy to me then using mouse. Mouse is an obstacle. Taking hands off the keyboard is time consuning. It takes me out of comfort zone. I like to use keyboard where ever possible and efficient. Thanks to the developers of Visual studio 2005, they provided keyboard shortcuts to the most frequest tasks. Though the use of named commands is always recommended instead of keyboard shortcuts. But I found that these key strokes are most common and no one reassign these to custome actions. Its safe to get used to these shortcuts. Here is a list of my favourite shortcusts. Tool Boxes And Windows CTRL+ALT+L : View Solution Explorer. I use Auto Hide for all of my tool windows to maximize screen real estate. Whenever I need to open the Solution Explorer, it’s just a shortcut away. CTRL+ALT+X : Toolbox Window CTRL+ALT+O : Output Window CTRL+\, E : Error List Window CTRL+\, T : Task List Window F7 : Toggle between Designer and Source views. CTRL+PgDn : To